2020 Census Full Count Strategic Workplan

In preparation for the 2020 Census, CAPAA teamed up with KAYA Strategik to conduct needs assessments in three counties with high API populations at risk of an undercount: Thurston County, Clark County, and Whitman County. KAYA Strategik, an API woman-owned microbusiness, conducted data analysis, identified resources and strategies, and developed a Get Out the Count field plan with the help of local community leaders and stakeholders.

The information available includes demographic breakdowns of the target counties, population heat maps, a sample timeline of outreach strategies, local AAPI organizations, and other resources. Copies of the report are available for download below.

Final Report: Washington Census 2020 APA Engagement Whitman County


Final Report: Washington Census 2020 APA Engagement Thurston County


Final Report: Washington Census 2020 APA Engagement Clark County