Supporting Local Community Efforts

The Washington State Commission on Asian Pacific American Affairs has the capabilities to provide fiscal sponsorship as co-sponsor for a celebration, event, or organizing effort, so long as said opportunity meets the following criteria:

  1. The event supports an effort to improve the livelihood of the Asian and Pacific American communities throughout Washington State;
  2. The event involves CAPAA participation and presence;
  3. CAPAA’s financial involvement is not disproportionate to its participation when compared to other co-sponsors.

In order to be considered, sponsorship requests must abide by the following guidelines:

  1. The Organization seeking sponsorship funds for an event must make the request in writing and provide a written narrative of proposed use of funds;
  2. The request must state how the event or activity aligns and helps fulfill the mission and objectives of the Commission. Preference will be awarded to efforts to address a disparity or emerging concern of APA communities as identified by the Commission;
  3. The sponsorship request does not exceed $500 per request;
  4. Sponsorship request must be submitted thirty (30) days prior to the event.

Sponsorship may be granted given the following stipulations:

  1. CAPAA must be designated as a co-sponsor of the event;
  2. CAPAA must receive recognition of its contribution via advertisement, acknowledgement, display of its logo, or some other equal form of recognition the Commission deems fit;
  3. The event must provide an opportunity for Commission staff and/or Commissioners to participate in organizing, tabling, facilitation, and/or presentation, or other form of participation the CAPAA deems fit;
  4. Funds provided by CAPAA may not be utilized for alcohol, tobacco, or other federally-controlled substances;
  5. CAPAA reserves the right to request a proposed event budget from any Organization seeking sponsorship funds;
  6. CAPAA reserves the right to request any excess funds which were provided by the Commission to be returned to the Commission by the Organization within thirty (30) working days after the completion of the event.