Every ten years, the U.S. Census Bureau undergoes a count of the population of the country and five U.S. territories. The Census count helps inform everything from representation in the U.S. House of Representatives, to local funding for infrastructure projects, to funding allocations for programs like CHIP, school lunch, and Medicare/Medicaid.

It is vitally important that every person is counted in the U.S. Census, but a 2019 report from the Census Bureau shows that AAPIs are the demographic least likely to fill out the Census, and the most concerned with their information being used against, and face additional barriers like language access.

To assist with full count efforts throughout Washington, CAPAA has compiled helpful resources for community organizations and individuals, including Needs Assessments that CAPAA conducted with KAYA Strategik in Clark County, Thurston County, and Whitman County.

Fill out your Census today!

2020 Census and COVID-19

In light of COVID-19, the U.S. Census Bureau is adjusting their plans as necessary. You can read find more information and full statements on their page, including information on general changes, field operations, the temporary suspension of in-person interviews, and modifications to ensure college students are fully counted. During this time, individuals are encouraged to fill out the Census, and can do so safely online, by phone, or by mail.

Regularly check the Census Bureau’s website for updates on 2020 Census Operational Adjustments Due to COVID-19 for the latest information on schedule changes.

Census Counts, a collaboration Census campaign involving more than 40 national organizations and dozens of community partners, has a page of COVID-19 Resources as it relates to the Census, including talking points.

Count Us In 2020, from Asian Americans Advancing Justice, is tracking updates on the 2020 Census and COVID-19, and have in-language guidance documents:

General Information & Toolkits

Social Media Resources

Languages Guides

The U.S. Census Bureau provides many different Census Language Guides available, which point to each Census question and offers a translation. Keep in mind that language guides are created to pair with the paper version of the questionnaire. Although the online portal includes the same questions as the paper form, it looks different, and asks the Census Code you received on your mail invitation to participate in the Census. Language Guides available include, but are not limited to:

Count Us In 2020, in partnership with Empowering Pacific Islander Communities (EPIC), has also provided the following NHPI Language Guides:

Additionally, thanks to the efforts of the Spokane County Census Committee and other community members, we now have a translated language guide in Marshallese!

Image of US map with people in it.

Protect Yourself: Frauds & Scams

With the heightened fear due to the possibility of a citizenship question, many people–particularly in the AAPI community–worry that their information may be used against them, or are otherwise unsure how to identify a Census taker.

Read the U.S. Census Bureau’s page on the topic: Avoiding Frauds and Scams,

Read the Federal Trade Commission’s page on the topic: 2020 Census: Fact v Fiction

The AARP also has translated Frauds & Scams Tip Sheets:

The census will not ask you about your citizenship status
How do you know if someone is a census taker?
How to indentify a census taker


Response Rates Map

Census Hard to Count (HTC) Map 2020

See the full map at www.censushardtocountmaps2020.us