
Public board meeting in Seattle on November 19

CAPAA will be holding a public board meeting on November 19, 2016, at the Japanese Cultural & Community Center of Washington in Seattle.

Attendees will have an opportunity to hear about issues impacting Asian Pacific American communities. There will also be time for community members to provide public comment and voice their concerns to the Commission.

View more details.

COFA Meeting in Spokane

Join CAPAA on October 22 for a community meeting in Spokane. We will be discussing legislative efforts that will improve access to affordable health care for Pacific Islanders from the Marshall Islands, Palau, and the Federated States of Micronesia.

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Education Roundtable in Eastern WA

On October 15, the Commissions on African American Affairs, Asian Pacific American Affairs, and Hispanic Affairs hosted an Education Roundtable in Toppenish.

Community members discussed ways to provide better support for students and families in the education system. Feedback from the Roundtable will be taken back to the Educational Opportunity Gap Oversight and Accountability Committee to shape their recommendations in the upcoming session and the implementation process of HB 1541.

Healthy Youth Survey

The Commission on Asian Pacific American Affairs issued a press release about its work to collect disaggregated data on the Healthy Youth Survey.

“CAPAA and the Department of Health worked together to improve the 2016 Healthy Youth Survey to better reflect Washington’s fast-growing Asian American student population. The 2016 survey is the first to collect disaggregated data for seven Asian subgroups.”

Read the full press release.

API Chaya Community Survey

API Chaya is conducting a community survey to gather input for the development of a parenting class that is responsive to the needs of Asian and Pacific Islander communities.

The survey can be found here.

Upcoming Community Events & Opportunities