CAPAA Monthly – May 2018


Governor Inslee has proclaimed May 2018 as Asian Pacific American Heritage Month.

Asian Pacific American Heritage Month acknowledges the contributions made by Asian and Pacific Islander communities to Washington State’s economic, social, and democratic institutions.

The Commission joins the Governor and Washingtonians in celebrating the contributions of Asian and Pacific Islander communities and encourages the promotion of cultural awareness and civic engagement and the advancement of civil rights for all.

API Heritage Month Celebration

The Commission will be participating at the API Heritage Month Celebration at the Seattle Center on May 6, 2018 from 11:45 AM to 5:00 PM. The event will showcase the many cultures, traditions, and histories of Asian and Pacific Islander communities through dance, music, art and food. There will be children’s activities, a hum bow eating contest, and cultural displays.

The Commission encourages the public to attend events to celebrate API Heritage Month. For more information and events, visit CAPAA’s website.

The Commission on Asian Pacific American Affairs is requesting applications for candidates interested in serving on our board as a commissioner.

CAPAA has an advisory board consisting of twelve governor-appointed commissioners representing the state’s diverse Asian Pacific American communities. Commissioners serve a three-year term and attend five commission meetings per year. They build relationships in their community and work to find solutions by hosting community meetings, serving on committees, examining issues, and advising decision-makers.

Applications are to be received by May 9 to be considered for potential openings on the board that may occur in June.

To apply, please complete the online application on the governor’s website. You may attach your resume and additional materials you would like considered before submitting the application.

For more information about serving as a Commissioner, Join the Commission/.

The newly-established Washington State Women’s Commission is now accepting applications from individuals interested in working to address problems that contribute to inequality for women in the workplace and society.

The commission was created as a result of House Bill 2759 during the 2018 legislative session. The commission will make regular recommendations to the Legislature and the Governor based on their research, deliberations, and public input. The commission will have 13 members: four state lawmakers and nine members appointed by the governor that consists of a balanced and diverse distribution of ethnic, geographic, gender, sexual orientation, age, socioeconomic status, and occupational representation.

For more information and to complete an application, please visit the Governor’s Boards and Commissions website.

Revised – May 18, 2018

The Commission will be convening a public board meeting on June 16, 2018. The location will be announced soon. The Commission will be hearing from local community members and organizations, reviewing CAPAA’s 2015-2018 Strategic Plan, and providing updates from committees and Commissioners.

Visit the Commission’s website to learn more about the Public Board Meeting.

Governor Inslee signed HB 1661 on July 6, 2017 creating the new Department of Children, Youth, and Families. The DCYF will restructure how the state serves at-risk children and youth with the goal of producing better outcomes in all Washington communities. The Oversight Board has general oversight over the performance and policies of the department, providing advice and input to determine whether the department is achieving the stated outcomes of its mission.

The Governor’s office is currently accepting nominations to the Oversight board until May 11th. In order to be nominated by the Governor, please contact Sydney Forrester and complete an online application on the Governor’s website (select “Children, Youth and Families Oversight Board, Department of” from the drop-down menu).