• 09/02/2021
    The Commission will convene its Public Board Meeting on Saturday, September 18, from 10 AM – 1 PM. Based on guidance from the Department of Health related to the Coronavirus (COVID-19) response, the meeting will be held remotely via video conference call. A dial-in option will also be available for those who are unable to access the meeting electronically. The link to participate and dial-in information will be available along with the meeting materials to the general public on CAPAA’s website prior to the meeting. Members of the public wishing to provide public comment may contact Project… Read more
  • 08/19/2021
    As Washington state COVID-19 hospitalizations reach an all-time high, Governor Inslee has announced several restrictions and requirements to address the public health crisis. Effective Monday, August 23, all individuals are required to wear masks in public indoor spaces, regardless of vaccination status. Additionally, Governor Inslee announced vaccine mandates for state employees, private health care workers, long term care workers, and educators. This includes (but is not limited to): State workers in executive cabinet agencies, regardless of teleworking status On-site contractors K… Read more
  • 08/04/2021
    At CAPAA, we are truly fortunate to work with 12 incredible appointees who serve as ardent community advocates. In the past three years, the call to serve the public has never been more urgent. CAPAA Commissioners worked tirelessly to honor and amplify the voices of community members, particularly during the global pandemic. With hearts full of gratitude, we bid farewell to three tremendous public servants finishing their terms of service. As they move on from CAPAA, they leave behind large footprints and bigger hearts. Commissioner Lori Wada, one of the longest-serving Commissioners… Read more
  • 07/06/2021
    CANN-WA is offering one-time COVID-19 relief to Washington COFA households who are currently in Isolation/Quarantine due to a positive test results of COVID-19 on or after June 28th, 2021. For more information, please contact: Chuukese – Juanita Monesa Ysau at jyasu@cann-wa.us Marshallese – David Anitok at danitok@cann-wa.us Kosraean – Deacon Driskell Jack at djack@cann-wa.us Yapese – Rachael Tamngin at rtamngin@cann-wa.us For any general inquiries, or if you’re interested in participating with your statewide COFA cultural-base organization, please contact info@cann-wa.us. The Small Business… Read more