
ESHB 2908 established a joint legislative task force on the use of deadly force in community policing.

The task force comprises of 27 members that include representatives from both houses of the legislature, law enforcement, prosecuting attorneys, defense counsel, a wide range of community-based groups and organizations and members representing the Washington State Commission on Hispanic Affairs, the Washington State Commission on Asian Pacific American Affairs and the Washington State Commission on African-American Affairs and the Governor’s Office of Indian Affairs.

The task force must:

  • review laws, practices, and training programs regarding the use of deadly force in Washing-ton state and other states;
  • review current policies, practices, and tools used by or otherwise available to law enforcement as an alternative to lethal uses of force, including tasers and other non-lethal weapons; an
  • recommend best practices to reduce the number of violent interactions between law enforcement officers and members of the public.

The Task Force will be meeting November 21st for what is scheduled as the final meeting prior to submitting a report outlining the Task Force’s recommendation due to the legislature on December 1, 2016.

The Commissions invite you to participate in this facilitated community forum. The Commissions will provide an update on the work of the Task Force to date and solicit input from our Spokane regional impacted communities, community partners, and regional law enforcement agencies.

Community Forum Details:

Saturday, November 5, 2016
1:00 – 4:00 PM
Gonzaga Law School Clinic, Moot Courtroom

If you have further questions please contact:
CAA— Sandy Williams at or 509-795-1964
CAPAA— Brianne Ramos at or 360-725-5667
CHA—Mynor Lopez at or (360) 725-5661