House releases 2015-2017 budget proposal


The House released its budget proposals today and has scheduled a public hearing on Monday for both the operating and capital budgets. The budgets make investments and raise revenues to fund education, health & human services, and economic development for our state’s youth, families, seniors, and businesses. State Senators are expected to release their budget proposals as early as next week.

Below are budget impacts by issue area:


With the Legislature under order by the state Supreme Court to fully fund K-12 basic education, the House proposed an additional $1.4 billion to comply with the McCleary Decision. The House fully funded legislation to implement recommendations from the Educational Opportunity Gap Oversight and Accountability Committee to address the opportunity gaps in House Bill 1541.

The budget would also fund:

  • K-3 class size reductions and all-day kindergarten for every child in the state;
  • Cost of living increases for K-12 educators;
  • Expansion of early childhood education;
  • Increased instructional time for students in the Transitional Bilingual Instructional Program;
  • The Kip Tokuda Memorial Washington Civil Liberties Public Education Program;
  • Freezing higher education tuition for two years; and
  • Family engagement coordinators, guidance counselors, and Breakfast After the Bell.

Health & Human Services

At Asian Pacific American Legislative Day, community members expressed concern that complying with McCleary would result in the reduction of vital safety net services for low-income or vulnerable families, elders, refugees and immigrants, and the disabled. The House budget would raise about $1.5 billion in new revenue. The budget would:

Economic Development

The Capital Budget would fund:

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