October is Filipino/a/x American History Month, a time for us to celebrate the history, contributions, and future of the Fil-Am community, especially here in Washington state. Washington is the proud home of vibrant Indipino communities, Fil-Am led labor reforms, Carlos Bulosan, the Filipino American National History Society, the Young Filipino People’s Far West Convention, Dorothy and Fred Cordova, Uncle Bob Santos, and so many more.
Throughout the month, we will be posting about Fil-Am history, especially in the Pacific Northwest, on our Facebook page.
A full list of events throughout the month is also available, courtesy of the Filipino American National History Society.

Today is Indigenous Peoples’ Day in Washington State. Many of us come as immigrants and refugees to the ancestral lands of the Coast Salish tribes, a land already rich with people and history.
There, when faced with institutional racism, our communities were able to find refuge and solidarity through relationships with tribes. From the Yakama tribe leasing farmlands to Filipino and Japanese families during the time of Alien Land Laws, to the historical solidarity between the Muckleshoot Tribe and local Japanese American communities, to modern day collaborations to help vaccination drives and Census counts, our Native American relatives have been an invaluable ally to our communities. We draw on Indigenous wisdom to heal from colonial forces that exploit our land and our people, while shaming our culture and marginalizing our lifestyles.
Today, Native American communities continue to face erasure of tragedies compounded over centuries of colonialism. While mainstream media has recently begun to spotlight missing and murdered Indigenous women (MMIW) and the horrors of residential schools, these issues and many more borne of colonial violence continue to plague the Native community.
We stand by our Native American relatives, today and everyday, to ensure that our voices are heard in state government. CAPAA is committed to pushing environmental justice as an existential and intersectional issue, ensuring that Native American history is taught, and partnering with our Indigenous neighbors in solidarity and allyship.
We honor the past, the present, and the emerging future as we work towards a more just world as a collective.

The Washington State Redistricting Commission has released their proposed state legislative and congressional district maps! Once finalized, these maps will determine what your legislative and congressional representation for the next decade.
Look at the proposed maps here:
State legislative map proposals
Congressional district map proposals
The Redistricting Commission will hold two virtual public outreach meetings next week on Zoom. Give them your feedback on the maps here:
- Tuesday, October 5 (7 p.m.) – Statewide Virtual Public Outreach Meeting to receive feedback on state legislative district map proposals: https://tinyurl.com/pr872fu8
- Saturday, October 9 (10 a.m.) – Statewide Virtual Public Outreach Meeting to receive feedback on congressional district map proposals: https://tinyurl.com/pr872fu8
There is no need to register for the meetings if you simply want to watch. You can watch the Commission’s meetings live on TVW or on our YouTube page.
You can also provide your comments online, through the phone, and more.

Apply now for the Washington State Legislative Internship Program!
The Legislative Intern Program offers Washington college students the opportunity to gain paid work experience while studying the state legislative process up close. Join hundreds of students who have started their careers here and forge lifelong connections in public policy.
Political experience is not necessary, and students of all majors are encouraged to apply.
Learn more and apply now: https://leg.wa.gov/Internships/pages/default.aspx
The priority deadline for applications is October 15, 2021 and the final deadline is October 20, 2021.

The Task Force on Race and Washington’s Criminal Justice System 2.0 has just released their 2021 Report to the Supreme Court.
Task Force 2.0 seeks to contribute to the racial justice movement, precipitated by the killing of George Floyd at the hands of police, by calling broader attention to systemic discrimination throughout Washington’s criminal justice system. Numerous organizations and individuals have come together in this volunteer effort.
Read the full report: Race and Washington’s Criminal Justice System: 2021 Report to the Washington Supreme Court
Watch the presentation to the State Supreme Court: Presentation to the Supreme Court

several CID organizations have come together as an informal group called the “CID Visioning Project” Advisory Group, to identify ways the community can have a stronger voice and influence. The project is being led by the Advisory Group, with funding support from the City of Seattle Department of Neighborhoods.
Help the CID Visioning Project by clicking here and completing this survey by October 16th.
We are asking you to help shape the future of the Chinatown International District (CID) by reviewing the draft plan and providing feedback via survey. Your feedback, and the comments of others, will be used to further develop a neighborhood plan.
The survey is also available in Simplified Chinese, Traditional Chinese, Tagalog and Vietnamese, in online or in printable formats; to access these varied survey formats, click on this link. Other languages available upon request.

As of October 1, 2021, students can apply for financial aid for the 2022-23 school year. With all the uncertainty caused by COVID, education beyond high school is more important than ever. Applying for financial aid gives you more options for the future.
In Washington, there are two ways to apply for financial aid:
- Most people should complete a FAFSA (Free Application for Federal Student Aid). The FAFSA is used by U.S. citizens and eligible non-citizens to apply for both state and federal financial aid.
- The WASFA (Washington Application for State Financial Aid) is an application for state financial aid only. The WASFA is for people who are undocumented or who do not qualify for federal aid because of their immigration status, and can be used in limited circumstances by others who cannot or choose not to file a FAFSA.
Applying for financial aid is a crucial first step toward college or job training. Many families assume they won’t qualify, but there’s more help available than ever before. This year, a family of four making up to $102,000 can qualify for financial aid in Washington. The only way to know for sure if you’re eligible is to apply.
Learn more, get support, and apply for financial aid at wsac.wa.gov/apply.

The Northwest Fair Housing Alliance has published brochures on fair housing rights for protected classes adversely affected by COVID-19. The brochures include information on making reasonable accommodation requests, what housing providers can/can’t do, your rights under the Fair Housing Act, and more.
Read the brochure in English: Fair Housing Rights for Protected Classes adversely impacted by COVID 19
Read the brochure in Marshallese: Maron ko ikijen ejellok kalijeklok ilo imōn jokwe ñan jejjetin armij ro emōj kejbaroki kin an lab aer jelōt jen COVID 19

The Working Washington: Border Business Relief Program is now open and accessible via www.commercegrants.com. The application overview, FAQs, and application questions have been translated into Spanish, to increase the accessibility of the program. The translated materials can be viewed here.
The Technical Support Center is open and ready to provide support to applicants with questions related to the Working Washington Grants: Border Business Relief Program.
You can access the Support Center by calling (855) 602-2722 or emailing commercegrants@submittable.com.
The hours are as follows:
8 AM – 5 PM PT Monday-Friday
8 AM – 5 PM PT Saturday & Sunday (through October 17)
Email & Voicemails: Response provided within 48 business hours.

The Washington State Broadband Office will award approximately $266 million in broadband infrastructure grants in at least two funding rounds planned for October 2021 and April 2022.
Eligible projects will construct broadband infrastructure designed to deliver broadband service, as part of a contiguous network, that:
- at minimum, delivers transmission speeds of 100 megabits per second (Mbps) download and 100 megabits per second upload (100/100 Mbps) unless impracticable due to geography, topography or financial cost in which case speeds of 100/20 Mbps are acceptable if scalable to 100/100 Mbps, and
- is deployed in unserved areas, defined as areas lacking access to reliable (wireline connection) service at speeds of at least 25/3 Mbps.
Click here for more information.
Pre-application due: Oct. 18, 2021
By Nov. 8, 2021, qualified projects will be notified and invited to complete the full application, due by Nov. 29, 2021.
Contact: Tammy Mastro at wsbo@commerce.wa.gov

The Department of Health, Health Systems Quality Assurance Division (HSQA) is accepting applications to fill vacancies on the Board of Naturopathy (board). This recruitment will be used to fill a current professional member vacancy and one professional member vacancy that will be available in 2022.
To qualify for either of the two positions on the board, an individual must hold a current active license as a naturopathic physician in the state of Washington.
If you are interested in applying for appointment to the Board of Naturopathy, please see Governor Inslee’s Boards and Commissions Apply to Serve webpage. On the application, please select that you are applying for the Board of Naturopathy. An application along with current résumé must be submitted by December 1, 2021.
A description of the roles and responsibilities to serve on the board can be found on the board’s information webpage. Questions may be submitted to naturopathy@doh.wa.gov

The COVID-19 vaccine is available to all Washington residents ages 12 and up. If you or a loved one have not yet been vaccinated, there’s an easy way to find vaccinations near you! The Washington State Department of Health has a Vaccine Locator page available, or you can call 1-800-525-0127. Language assistance is available. If you or someone you know is homebound and not able to leave the house to get the COVID-19 vaccine, homebound vaccination services are available through this survey: https://redcap.link/WA_HomeBasedVax. |

Washington is home to vibrant communities and diverse residents who all have unique talents, skills and experiences. Governor Inslee places a high priority on boards, commissions, and agencies that are reflective of the diverse make-up of Washington and that utilize the impressive talent of our residents. We are always seeking skilled and experienced individuals from a wide variety of backgrounds to participate in boards and commissions ensuring an effective and representative government.
We are excited to share the highlighted Current and Upcoming Gubernatorial Appointment Opportunities.
As someone with deep roots in your respective communities and organizations, we hope that you will share these opportunities. Anyone interested in being appointed will need to fill out this Application. Please explore the Boards and Commissions Profiles if you are interested in learning more about the many opportunities to get involved.

Development Manager | API Chaya | Open until filled
Deputy Director | City of Seattle Human Services Department | October 19, 2021
SODO Community Market Assistant | Northwest Harvest | Open until filled
Education Coalition Manager | OneAmerica | Open until filled
Immigrant Integration Director | OneAmerica | Open until filled
Managing Director | OneAmerica | Open until filled
Washington New Americans (WNA) Program Associate | OneAmerica | Open until filled
Habitat Improvement Projects Manager | Pierce Conservation District | Open until filled
Tribal Liaison | Puget Sound Partnership | October 12, 2021
Pharmacy and Health Records Operations Manager | Washington State Department of Corrections | Open until filled
Construction Stormwater Compliance Specialist (Environmental Specialist 4) | Washington State Department of Ecology | Open until filled
Eastern Regional Compliance and Enforcement Specialist (Environmental Specialist 4) | Washington State Department of Ecology | Open until filled
Marine Monitoring Unit (MMU) Supervisor (WMS Band 1) | Washington State Department of Ecology | Open until filled
Municipal Stormwater Grant Project Specialist (Environmental Specialist 4) | Washington State Department of Ecology | Open until filled
Senior Regional Shoreline Planner (Environmental Planner 4) | Washington State Department of Ecology | Open until filled
Diversity, Equity & Inclusion Development Manager | Washington State Department of Enterprise Services | October 18, 2021
Contracts Specialist 2 – Contracts & Purchasing | Washington State Department of Fish and Wildlife | October 17, 2021
Fiscal Analyst 2 – Accounts Payable Specialist | Washington State Department of Fish and Wildlife | October 24, 2021
Fish Hatchery Specialist 2 | Washington State Department of Fish and Wildlife | October 14, 2021
Director, Office of Community Health Systems | Washington State Department of Health | Open until filled
Legislative & External Affairs Liaison (WMS 3) | Washington State Department of Revenue | Open until filled
Executive Director | Washington State Gambling Commission | Open until filled
Public Records Assistant | Washington State House of Representatives | Open until filled
Executive Director | Washington State Human Rights Commission | October 24, 2021
Law & Justice Committee – Staff Counsel | Washington State Senate Committee Services | Open until filled
Ways & Means Committee Fiscal Analyst | Washington State Senate Committee Services | Open until filled
Ways & Means Committee – Fiscal Analyst – Capital Budget | Washington State Senate Committee Services | Open until filled
Legislative Assistant to Senator Bob Hasegawa | Washington State Senate, Democratic Caucus | Open until filled
Legislative Assistant to Senator Christine Rolfes | Washington State Senate, Democratic Caucus | Open until filled
Legislative Assistant to Senator T’wina Nobles | Washington State Senate, Democratic Caucus | Open until filled
Technology Support Specialist | Washington State Office of Superintendent of Public Instruction | October 13, 2021
Software Developer – Information Technology | Washington Student Achievement Council | November 4, 2021
WorkLife Resource Navigator | WorkLife Partnership | October 15, 2021

Outreach to Historically Disadvantaged Communities RFP | Washington State Department of Commerce | October 15, 2021
Washington State Broadband Office – Digital Navigator Grant Program RFP | Washington State Department of Commerce | October 29, 2021