
Washington State is conducting a Disparity Study of its minority-, women-, and veteran-owned businesses (M/W/VBEs). The Study will examine:

  • The utilization and availability of M/W/VBEs.
  • Whether there are race- and gender-based barriers to full and fair opportunities to compete for the State of Washington’s prime contracts and subcontracts.
  • The experiences of all types of firms, including veteran-owned firms, seeking work with the State of Washington and its overall contracting policies.

Washington State will be hosting two in-person study informational meetings. These meetings will:

  • Provide an introduction to the study team
  • Explain the legal and regulatory standards applicable to studies and contracting equity programs
  • Describe the study process and timeline for completion
  • Include information on how to provide further input

Meeting Details

June 7, 2017, 10:00 AM
South Seattle College-Georgetown Campus
Room C110-C111
6737 Corson Ave S, Seattle, WA 98108
Parking pass will be provided at sign-in table of event
Click here to register.

June 8, 2017, 10:00 AM
West Central Community Center
Newton Room
1603 North Belt Street, Spokane, WA 99205
Click here to register.

Questions and General Information

Study website:

Consultant conducting the study:

Colette Holt & Associates

The State Department of Enterprise Services (DES) is overseeing the study on behalf of the state.

Washington State’s Study Manager:

Rex Brown
DES Administrative Director, Business Diversity Subcabinet and Study Manager
(360) 407-7926