
The National Minority Business Advisory Council is hosting their third annual Minority Business Policy Workshop on Tuesday, October 11, 2016. This year’s workshop will be a summit around minority business civil rights, including discussion around Washington State’s Initiative 200 and Title VI of the Civil Rights Acts of 1964.

The workshop will feature presenters from the U.S. Minority Business Development Agency, the U.S. Department of Justice Office of Civil Rights, the Washington State Attorney General’s Office, as well as the Washington State Department of Enterprise Services presenting on Governor Inslee’s Commissioned Statewide Disparity Study on state contracting for women and minority businesses.

In addition, participants will have the opportunity to break out into business industry groups to take part in hands-on policy discussion input for the 2017 Washington State legislative session. The idea is to engage MBEs on policy and to hear from the community about their particular concerns and/or struggles as an MBE in Washington State and assist MBAC in drafting community request legislation to be added to MBAC’s Washington State 2017 MBE Policy Agenda.

All Washington State Elected Officials are invited and encouraged to attend. This year’s event is one of kind in the country, as we will be covering detailed obligation of Title VI in public contracting and the conflicting concerns and misunderstandings of anti-affirmative action state laws like I-200 with Federal subject matter experts.

Tuesday, October 11, 2016
9:30 AM to 2:15 PM
South Seattle Community College – Georgetown Campus, Room C122
6736 Corson Ave S, Seattle, WA 98108

This event is free of charge, but you must RSVP to attend. Please RSVP by October 3rd to or call (360) 338-8161.