The National Commission on Asian American and Pacific Islander Researchin Education (CARE) has released its latest report,The Hidden Academic Opportunity Gaps AmongAsian Americans and Pacific Islanders:What Disaggregated Data Reveals in Washington State.

CARE promotes the collection anddissemination of disaggregated data in order to better understand the variationof educational experiences and outcomes within the highly diverse AsianAmerican and Pacific Islander student population.
CARE launched theiCount: Equity Through Representation campaign in 2013 to raise awareness about and bring attention to the ways in which AAPI student data reported in the aggregate conceals significant disparities in educational experiences and outcomes between AAPI sub-groups.
Building on previous iCountreports, the current study highlights Washington state’s efforts toanalyze the opportunity gaps through deeper disaggregation ofstudent demographic data.The authors of this report are CARE Commission and Research Team members Bach Mai Dolly Nguyen, Mike Hoa Nguyen,Robert T. Teranishi and Shirley Hune. Other contributors were Cynthia M.Alcantar, Edward R. Curammeng, Edwin Hernandez, Frieda Takamura, Sili Savusa,Ay Saechao, Jeomja Yeo and David Sun.
A version of this report was submittedto the Washington State Commission on Asian Pacific American Affairs inMarch 2015.