About Us
We are a non-profit agency serving Asian Pacific Islander Youth and all Youth of Color, ages 10-20, in the greater Seattle area. Our goal is to help youth deal with substance abuse/dependency issues and to provide youth with healthy alternatives to substance use. We provide services that meet the cultural needs and expectations of the community we serve.
To provide and advocate for culturally competent and age-appropriate prevention and substance abuse treatment services for Asian Pacific Islander Youth and all Youth of Color.
To create an environment for children, youth, adults, families and communities that is healthy and substance abuse free.
In 1990, concerned Asian American/Pacific Islanders (AAPI) and King County's Division of Alcohol and Substance Abuse formed the King County Asian and Pacific Islander Alcohol/ Drug Task Force (APIAD). The purpose of the task force was to address alcohol, tobacco, and other drug use in the AAPI community.
In 1992, the task force restructured into an independent functioning group and changed its name to Washington Asian Pacific Islander Families Against Substance Abuse (WAPIFASA). WAPIFASA became a non-profit corporation in 1993 and received its 501(c)(3) tax exempt status in 1994. In May 1996, WAPIFASA became a Washington state certified chemical dependency provider.
WAPIFASA was awarded a King County contract in 1996. Since then, WAPIFASA has been providing outpatient treatment to AAPI children/youth. In 2005, WAPIFASA broadened its target population to include all youth of color.
In 2009, WAPIFASA became WAPI Community Services.