Lead-warning for Chinese-produced children’s herbal cold and flu remedy


The Washington State Department of Health issued the press release below regarding an alert about Bo-Ying Compound after traces of lead were found in the product. Bo-Ying Compound is used to treat a wide variety of conditions in infants and children.


Washington State Department of Health News Release

Lead-warning for Chinese-produced children’s herbal cold and flu remedy

OLYMPIA — The U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) has sent out an alert regarding Bo-Ying Compound after traces of lead were found in the product. Bo-Ying Compound is used to treat a wide variety of conditions in infants and children.

The Washington State Department of Health received an alert regarding lead found in Bo-Ying Compound manufactured by Eu Yan Sang (Hong Kong). This product is also manufactured by other companies and may also contain lead so people are urged not to use any Bo-Ying Compound products.

The Department of Health’s Childhood Lead Prevention Program warns parents and caregivers not to buy or use these products. Anyone who has used these products or given them to a child should contact a health care provider to evaluate the need for a blood-lead test.

Children are especially sensitive to health impacts from lead, and all lead exposure should be avoided. Lead poisoning in babies and young children is usually not immediately obvious, even low levels of lead exposure have been linked to impaired cognitive functioning in children like reduced IQ, behavioral difficulties and other health problems. The agency has more information on common sources of lead and ways to prevent exposure.

To date, no cases of lead poisoning linked to these products have been reported in Washington State, however it’s likely that these products are available and in use in our state.

More information and images of the lead-containing products are available online along with more about the Department of Health’s Childhood Lead Prevention Program and lead poisoning is found on the agency’s website.

The Department of Health website (www.doh.wa.gov) is your source for a healthy dose of information. Also, find us on Facebook and follow us on Twitter.


Kelly Stowe, Communications Office 360-236-4022
Sharon Moysiuk, Communications Office 360-236-4074